Painting is a lesson in figuring it out as you go to create a masterpiece later on
Just because I pretend otherwise, doesn't make it so. I'm talking about mistakes, knowing all the answers, and getting it right the first time. As an entrepreneur, I want to put up the best front possible. I want clients/customers to think I am proficient, capable, and on top of my game. And most of the time, I am. But the truth is, mistakes happen, there are times I have no idea what I'm doing, and just like parenthood, I continue to figure it out as I go. And the more I talk to others, the more I know we are all in the same boat.
This past week I hosted and facilitated a women's creative retreat. I tried many new things, and that was sort of the point. (I asked the women to do new things and something out of their comfort zone too, it was part of the process and allowed us to become vulnerable and get over our fear(s) of everything being perfect). And between trying things not normally in my wheelhouse and getting out of that "safe" place, I made mistakes. At times, looked like quite the amateur I'm sure. But it was okay. I learned, and no one really cared. Or knew. In fact, if the women that attended my retreat read this post, they will probably contact me and say, whhaaaattt? It taught me I can get through anything. And so can you.
xo, jan